Alright ladies and gents, for those of you with a weak stomach please do not read further as you will be reading the description of the life of an Army Diver in training :) They will try to break you...
So Evan made it past the first week!! Yay!! Out of 16 guys, there are 5 left. Yes one quit the first day, and 4 quit the second (it wasn't their fault the instructors drowned them and made them throw up right?) Two more went to sick hall, for being sick, guess that's not allowed so they got kicked out. One just can't make it click so he'll get let go. Who can concentrate on line pulls and gas laws after 6 pages of writing them over and over and over and over for 5 days straight as homework? Oh yes I forgot to mention after they have to get up at 3:30 am every day, run and lift and swim until they vomit almost every day. And then one sad diver popped his ear drum, but he's just getting recycled (pushed back to the next class in Army terms).
Yes Evan has made it! But now (don't read if you have a sick stomach) there's blood in the toilet, vomit in the garbages, cramps in his legs, and drool on the pillow from a very hard days work sleep-time. BUT HE'S ALMOST DONE!! So keep praying the blood stops, the military won't run out of bananas (for the cramps), they don't cut sleep hours down, and he can keep himself fed and hydrated without vomiting! :)
Now... as far as I go, I'm having a lot less dramatic 3 weeks. Went shopping for work-out clothes (it makes you want to work out alright!), had a great night with mama Shannon, changed my friends' sons dressing for his knee (he fell playing jump rope... yes he's 18), and a LOT of homework. But... the house is staying clean! However I am now convinced it is MY laundry that makes it so impossible to catch up. Yes I have done laundry 4 times since he's been gone! But good side is, I'm working out almost every day! I haven't had a soda since Saturday night either! I drink more water, less soda, and eat so much healthier. Dang carbs that I love so much give women poochies (that's a little bump of fattiness underneath the belly-button in case you were curious). My legs feel like spaghetti I'll have you know though. I waddle down the hall now. But it's all worth it so I can be sexy like my hubband :)
Anyways... yes this was a very random post and I am sorry. But welcome to the world of a nurse and a soldier! Random does seem to happen a lot with us :) Hope everyone else is doing good and loving life!! Conference this weekend!! Woot! xoxo (Sorry kayla). Oh speaking of... PLEASE vot for my sister for best softball player in the utah valley!!
Please vote! You can use your facebook login. You do unfortunately have to choose someone in each category, if you don't know who to vote for... pick randomly unless it says Timpanogos High! (And yes I did just sing my cheer from highschool to remember how to spell the ridiculous name). xoxo
She packs. She moves. She follows. Why? What for? How come? You may think she's lost her mind. Actually,she's lost her heart. It was stolen from her by a man. A man who puts duty first, who longs to deploy, who salutes the flag, and whose boots in the doorway remind her that as long as he is her Military Man, she will... remain his Military Sweetheart.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Dive School
Sometimes... the U.S. Army ruins my life. Why you ask? Because they decide to move people from their homes away from family and friends, station them in the rainiest, sunless, coldest area possible and then make all their schools they need to go to be not in that same state... he's going to dive school (which means he has to be in water), and then what? They send him to MISSOURI!! What the heck is in missouri?! A pool?! We have the Puget sound and many lakes AND pools.
Anyways... that's my rant. Sorry I haven't been posting much, haven't really had anything to blog about. Dive school is 18 days, he starts Monday. And if he passes Phase I we get to go to Florida!!! Here comes the sunshine and the beach! :) I'm SO excited! So... while he's gone it's all homework, old videos and boredom. So if anyone wants to come visit me feel free :) Or at least just text me to make sure I'm not entering depression hiding myself away in my super comfy bed with the lights off and the heater on.
The good part is I deep cleaned the house yesterday... and today it's still clean!! :) Hope everyone had a fabulous St. Patty's day! Good news... my sister and her team rocked in St. George, my sis-in-law turned 21 and bought a house! YAY!
Hopefully interesting stuff happens so I can blog about it. Until Florida I'm afraid my daily routine does not alter. xoxoxo
Anyways... that's my rant. Sorry I haven't been posting much, haven't really had anything to blog about. Dive school is 18 days, he starts Monday. And if he passes Phase I we get to go to Florida!!! Here comes the sunshine and the beach! :) I'm SO excited! So... while he's gone it's all homework, old videos and boredom. So if anyone wants to come visit me feel free :) Or at least just text me to make sure I'm not entering depression hiding myself away in my super comfy bed with the lights off and the heater on.
The good part is I deep cleaned the house yesterday... and today it's still clean!! :) Hope everyone had a fabulous St. Patty's day! Good news... my sister and her team rocked in St. George, my sis-in-law turned 21 and bought a house! YAY!
Hopefully interesting stuff happens so I can blog about it. Until Florida I'm afraid my daily routine does not alter. xoxoxo
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Whoever is reading this... please take 2 minutes and fill this out! No this is not spam, it's a sincere request from friends and family!
The website is It will take you no time at all. On Page 4 please write R&M Woods for the best Cabinet Company and on Page 9 please write Studio 1 Dance Center for best place to dance! It would really mean a lot to me! It will be on Best of Utah Valley Page! My dad works so hard and his business is absolutely amazing. This would be great business for him and great recognition for all the amazing houses and cabinet's he's done! Also Studio 1 Dance Center is a fabulous dance studio. They are such great dancers and have come along way since starting out. I know it would mean a lot to the girls and one of my best friends. THANK YOU for your support :) Love you all!!
The website is It will take you no time at all. On Page 4 please write R&M Woods for the best Cabinet Company and on Page 9 please write Studio 1 Dance Center for best place to dance! It would really mean a lot to me! It will be on Best of Utah Valley Page! My dad works so hard and his business is absolutely amazing. This would be great business for him and great recognition for all the amazing houses and cabinet's he's done! Also Studio 1 Dance Center is a fabulous dance studio. They are such great dancers and have come along way since starting out. I know it would mean a lot to the girls and one of my best friends. THANK YOU for your support :) Love you all!!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Pray You Through
This is one of my new favorite songs. And for a lot of hard and sad circumstances, will ring true for some of my dearest friends.
The walls are closing in
You feel alone, you feel afraid
Your heart begins to bend
You take a breath and then
It starts to break
I'm all out of words
There's nothing I could say to you
To take away the hurt
So let me pray you through
Let me pray you through
So lift your shaking hands
Don't say a word
I'll stay with you
The tears will heal the pain
You shouldn't be ashamed
To come undone
You feel alone, you feel afraid
Your heart begins to bend
You take a breath and then
It starts to break
I'm all out of words
There's nothing I could say to you
To take away the hurt
So let me pray you through
Let me pray you through
So lift your shaking hands
Don't say a word
I'll stay with you
The tears will heal the pain
You shouldn't be ashamed
To come undone
And fall down
And let me carry you
I'll carry you
I'm all out of words
There's nothing I could say to you
To take away the hurt
So let me pray you through
I'm all out of words
There's nothing I could say to you
To take away the hurt
So let me pray you through
Let me pray you through
Let me pray you through
(Pray you through- Sixteen cities)
There's nothing I could say to you
To take away the hurt
So let me pray you through
I'm all out of words
There's nothing I could say to you
To take away the hurt
So let me pray you through
Let me pray you through
Let me pray you through
(Pray you through- Sixteen cities)
Recently I've noticed all the darkness and evil around me. I don't know why it's been standing out to me. But it breaks my heart. The government siding with the protestors at soldier's funeral (I understand freedom of speech... please don't lecture), then The Pianist came on the tv before work, then the commercials about all the abandoned animals, a 12 year old killing his parents, parents burying their children, racism, hatred, death, murder, judgement... it breaks my heart. Maybe it's because I'm getting older, and I just REALIZE more and I'm more aware of the world, and not just my own person. I don't remember the world being this evil. I was having a talk with my brother, and he said we are some of the holiest and strongest of the generations, we have the potential to be the most sacred and most honerable. But I don't see it! The generations younger than me are exposed to certain things I didn't know about it, and are entertaining ideas and actions that I'm sure our forgotten generations are rolling in their graves about. I'm trying to see the light and stay positive, and maybe it's because I've left my bubble... and oh how I miss my Utah bubble. It's taught me to appreciate more the good things in life, and the sacred things. I hope everyone remembers their purpose and tries to be kinder and better examples. I know I'm working on being a better person. And if everyone tried to be a little less hard-hearted, it would brighten up alot of areas of this dark world.
Hope, on the other hand, is like the beam of sunlight rising up and above the horizon of our present circumstances. It pierces the darkness with a brilliant dawn. It encourages and inspires us to place our trust in the loving care of an eternal Heavenly Father, who has prepared a way for those who seek for eternal truth in a world of relativism, confusion, and of fear.
The things we hope in sustain us during our daily walk. They uphold us through trials, temptations, and sorrow. Everyone has experienced discouragement and difficulty. Indeed, there are times when the darkness may seem unbearable. It is in these times that the divine principles of the restored gospel we hope in can uphold us and carry us until, once again, we walk in the light.
We hope in Jesus the Christ, in the goodness of God, in the manifestations of the Holy Spirit, in the knowledge that prayers are heard and answered. Because God has been faithful and kept His promises in the past, we can hope with confidence that God will keep His promises to us in the present and in the future. In times of distress, we can hold tightly to the hope that things will “work together for [our] good” as we follow the counsel of God’s prophets. This type of hope in God, His goodness, and His power refreshes us with courage during difficult challenges and gives strength to those who feel threatened by enclosing walls of fear, doubt, and despair.
I love you my family and friends!! xoxo
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Our Washington Apartment
What you are about to see is the apartment of a full-time working Nurse, and a full-time working Soldier. Viewer discretion is advised.
Front door
Our fireplace and living room (if anyone can tell me what movie I'm watching you are my new best friend!)
Our fireplace and the star Mari made and the star I made, and two picture frames I made.
All many many DVD's :)
Evan decorated the wall
Our amazing couch Evan gets to vacuum every day from Bella's hair
Our kitchen
Dining area
Evan's dishes
Cabinets not as good as Dad's but they're efficient :)
Hallway. W/D on left, closet on right
Our AMAZING pictures we love so much
Guest bathroom
I LOVE pictures!
Please tell me we're not the only one with a "messy" room :s
Picture Ky drew for us, and my piano!!
Purses once again
All my nursing books, church books, Evan's helicopter :)
Bella's cage she sleeps in at night
Master bedroom
Ha ha yes I take up the WHOLE walk-in closet and that 6-drawer vanity you saw. I love shoes!
Scrubs... lots.
Master bathroom
That's all folks! :) Sorry it's so messy and I am NOT an interior designer like some of my friends. I hope to become more crafty when I get to Florida while I'm looking for a job!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
I'm Coming Home!! :)
This last weekend Evan and I made it back to Utah! We flew into town for one of my good friends wedding! I went to nursing school with her and she's absolutely amazing!! And she also married an amazing man. It's funny how small Utah actually is. When we were in nursing school Angie would ALWAYS be on her laptop chatting it up with some guy. We kept teasing her that she was going to marry him because she would get up in the middle of the night to talk to him (he's stationed in Bahrain with the Navy). She always got really embarassed and that little triangle between her brows would get all red. That's her give-away sign! So yadda-yadda on her facebook page she had a comment from one of my friends Gabby (who I met through miss Mari!) and I said how do you know Gabby?! And she said this is Preston's sister... and I'm like THAT'S your Preston?! It is such a small world... but they are PERFECT for each other! And for someone who said they would never marry someone in the military... they sure picked a great one! Now she gets to go spend a year with him in Bahrain. Maybe she'll FINALLY get my scrapbooking done ;)
This is all of us at Angie's reception. Steve and Lauren Nelson, Bre, and me and Evan (in his sexy suit!)
These girls are two of my best friends I went to nursing school with! They are amazing people!!
We went shooting with the guys!! Matt, Benny, Evan and Gavin. This is really the only good one I got because apparently on "guy's trips" you don't take a lot of pictures. Stupid...
This is the home defender sawed-off shot gun! AWESOME!!
I actually shot this gun and almost broke my hand.
This was the .50 cal with scope on it. Won't shoot this gun! I prefer the 9mm!
So I had to get ONE good shot of us all dressed up since it rarely happens. But hey... at least he finally got a suit out of it!
And nana and the brother!
There will be more pictures as soon as my sister uploads them to facebook so I can steal them! Hope you all had as much fun on your weekend as I did!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
SLEEP!! and many more good times to come...
Sleep is something I could NEVER get tired of doing! It reenergizes me! It makes me happy :)

Three good things that have happened to me in the past...
1. I got married
2. I passed nursing school
3. A parent at PCMC said they would love to have me as a nurse and was sad I was moving.
It's always nice to hear compliments and have your goals be accomplished! Who could want anything more than that?!
Now that my 30 days are over... does that mean I actually have to BLOG?!
P.S. going home for the weekend so I probably won't blog much! But I will as soon as I return!
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